It was a warm early summer day and everything was green around me, full of life. The breeze was blowing in my face, the sun warming my back and the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. My husband and I were standing about 6 feet apart. He was tinkering with the hay rake as we had just mowed the field the previous night. I was immersed in my surroundings watching the horses graze in the distance. I was also taking in all that was happening around me, or so I thought so.
We were being exposed to the same sounds and stimuli around us and we were still however, hearing different things. I was hearing the wind in my ears and the sounds of birds. My husband asking me what that noise was, which I was unaware of until he drew my attention to it. I was unaware that there was even such a noise being made. My brain was focused on other stimuli. That is part of what gestalt does, it brings your attention to the things outside of your awareness, things that your brain and body are processing but tuning out. It shines the light to illuminate these processes and feelings that happen behind the scenes. Gestalt brings attention to all parts of self in the moment and works towards making wholeness of self.
We were being exposed to the same things but having different experiences. Not because I was choosing to ignore what my husband was doing, but because I had been shaped by previous experiences that have taught my brain what to pay attention to what is important for my survival in the moment. My brain was focusing on things that were important to me at that time.
Through the experiences that are set up with the assistance of a gestalt practitioner and their horse partners your awareness grows and you move into your truth and authenticity. Reactions that once baffled you become clearer.
Set up a discovery call or a session today to see how gestalt can impact your life.