No matter what the question ..
You have the answer.
Let my horses show you where to look.

welcome to Kelly’s coaching
Our Mission
To honor, heal, and connect what is emotionally present for my clients. Reconnecting mind, body, and soul through horse human interaction. Discovering vision to illuminate dreams and living life to the fullest in the present moment. While acknowledging and honoring those that have been part of our journeys.
Equine Gestalt Coaching Experiences
Grief is a process of healing that takes time to honor a loved one, remember them, and acknowledge the part they occupied in your journey. Every individual relationship is unique therefore everyone’s grief process is different. Each person may experience shock, numbness, denial, disbelief, confusion, anxiety, fear, guilt, regret, sadness, depression, relief and release. Also, people will spend a different amount of time in each area of the grief process. Together we will explore, honor, remember and acknowledge all parts of your relationship to guide you in your healing journey of this life time.

One on One Coaching

Group Coaching

Retreats & Events
what is equine gestalt coaching
why horses are the best coach of your life
Horses are not concerned about what others think. They are not concerned about the bills that need to be paid next week nor that dang to do list. Unlike the majority of human race, horses live and breath in the present moment, meeting their needs as they arise. They live in truth and authenticity. They guide us in finding our truth assisting in setting goals and making life changes. Horses gently illuminate areas that may have been hidden deliberately by our brain to keep us safe and survive or un-deliberately pushed aside through the speed of society where we trade our time for money. Our selfcare and passions get pushed out of sight because we put others, our jobs and material objects first. We as humans spend more time doing then being, moving further away from honest connection with ourselves. Horses bring us back to the present, meeting us where we are to illuminate the past, assisting with releasing what is not ours to hold, retiring the habits that no longer serve us and honoring the parts of self that have brought us to where we stand today.




Finish the Unfinished
Looking for individuals 21+ to handle horses during sessions. Experience with horses a plus but not required. Training held once a month.

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Give yourself a chance and start growing in the direction your dreams are pulling you. We often live to much in our head, listening to our own limiting beliefs. But, we don’t have too. Join to hear about life lessons that have held me back from moving forward in my life’s journey.
Learn about the EGCMethod
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